Emeka Ike Ends His Marriage


Emeka Ike fell in love with a biracial girl with no significant value to her name except her youthfulness. He married her and they had four kids together. 

When he married the girl, she had neither a higher qualification nor skill. He single handedly sponsored her education. She is a graduate today courtesy of Emeka's benevolence. 

Years down the line, she became illusioned with her marriage and wanted out. She filed for divorce, and her marriage to the consummated actor was dissolved. 

Emeka pulled himself together after the crash of his marriage. He got into another relationship with a South African woman living in Germany. They got married and he relocated to Germany. 

Meanwhile, Emeka has two kids by his new wife. He took the action because his kids by his ex wife seem to be taking side with their mom.

Some spineless m3n would have been sulking if they were in Emeka's shoes. Despite all his wasted investment in his first marriage, he kept moving.

Who told you that life is going to be easy? When you are faced with challenges, brace up and fight it like a man. Don't chicken out and start complaining to the whole world. Nobody send you.
